After a super thrilling ride on the Hogwarts Express, we arrived at the forever snow covered Hogsmeade!

It's quite the feeling being surrounded by snow dusted buildings when it is 90 degrees outside
We headed up to the majestic Hogwarts castle!
The queue area for this ride is phenomenal! It's almost better than the ride
The actual ride is ... pretty terrifying, I felt like they took it too far a few times like having spiders and dementors centimeters from my face, centimeters! But I will totally ride it again and again.
Getting an ice cold pumpkin juice was high on my Harry Potter to do list, it did not disappoint! And it could not have come in a cuter bottle.
The Monster Book of Monsters!
I kind of regret not getting a remembrall, I debated it for a long time and ultimately put it back, but now I kind of wish I had just gone for it. Perfect reason to go back to the park!
Cornish Pasties
Pumpkin Fizz
Frozen Butterbeer
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