For the 24th of July, I had the whole family over to my house for root beer floats and firework watching from my balcony. I had been in my new home for just barely over a month, and it is so much fun to have a home of my own where I can invite family and friends over, and start new holiday traditions.
We had our root beer floats and played heads up in the living room while we waited for the fireworks to start. We had a great view of the valley from my living room windows, we didn't even really need to go outside to see the fireworks, this house is just perfection is so many ways.
The best way to capture how awesome the fireworks are from my house is a long exposure, since there are lots of fireworks going off but not a lot bursting at the exact same time. I didn't have the set up for a long exposure, so it was kind of hard to document our awesome view, but we got to see a ton of fireworks from all across the valley.
Such a fun night hosting my first official family party in my new home!
Darling ending photo of VN and Nora.Your home is perfect for the 24th fireworks in a panoramic vista without any crowds! Also Root Beer Floats are a favorite from my childhood and I have missed them. Great family photos; VN has really changed in a year!