Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Honey the Elf

February started off with the arrival of a very special visitor...

Honey the Valentine Elf came to help V and Monty celebrate the valentine season!

Hi Vienne!
My name is Honey and I am your very own valentine elf! I like to craft and do nice things for other people, what do you like to do? I am so excited to celebrate the valentine season with you! Follow my trail of hearts and see if you can find me!

Honey's heart trail lead V into the living room where she found Honey waiting for her with a couple of fun gifts.
(Since Dad had really gotten in to helping me with Naughty during Christmas, he was very invested in helping with Honey when she came around. It was his idea to go to the store and pick up fun holiday candy and a few fun gifts for Honey to bring V. I loved doing this for V with him.)

Yay you found me! Here is a 
cute bag for you to keep
valentines in and acute pen to 
write nice notes with!

V couldn't wait to start writing valentines to people.

A little backstory on how Honey came about. V loved Naughty, her Christmas elf on the shelf, so much and kept saying how sad she was going to be when he had to go to the North Pole. One day we were having a discussion about elves and V asked if there were other holiday elves like valentine elves or halloween elves. Since it was so heartbreaking for me to think of how sad she would be when Naughty left, I told her I bet there are valentine elves, and we looked it up on the internet and there were tons of fun ideas of how to celebrate with valentine elves. She immediately rushed down to the craft room, made new elf and named her Honey, just like she had made Naughty. Then she tried to convince me there were Mardi Gras elves, and 4th of July elves, and easter elves and spring elves and summer elves, but I had to draw the line somewhere haha.

When Honey was all finished, she couldn't wait to introduce her to the whole family. She introduced her to Naughty first.

Then to Agnes

Then to Dubie

V was so excited about Honey and her beautiful golden skirt that she had happy tears in her eyes. Honey didn't get her magical powers until Naughty went back to the North Pole, we could only have one magical elf running around, having two magical elves up to mischief every night would have been too much to handle.

After Honey had been around for a week or two, another magical friend appeared one day...

Hi V!
You have been so amazing at finding me everyday! Remember when you asked me to bring my pet so you could meet her? I have a pet bird and her name is Valentina, she has been so excited to meet you! She brought candy for you and Monty to share! Valentina doesn't have magical powers like me, so you can pet and play with her!
Love you!

From then on, Tina and Honey would move around together and V and Monty had fun looking for them every morning. Monty really got into looking for Honey, he would say her name over and over again in the morning until we went and found her, it was so cute to see him so involved.

After Honey and Tina had been around for a few weeks, they (aka me and dad...) had a hard time finding new and exciting places to hide so they decided to move downstairs to the red family room. That's where V has school so we thought it might be fun for Honey to be in there to make school more enticing, and it's all red, Honey's favorite color!

Honey left another heart trail to let the kids know she and Tina had changed rooms.

V gave Honey that glittery heart so she could use it as a bed, V also made Honey her very own, special pink blanket. V would check every day to see if the blanket was messed up which meant Honey had slept in her bed the night before. Then V would very lovingly make the bed for Honey every morning.

Happy February! It's my favorite month!
I heard you had started school in a special room and it sounded 
so fun I wanted to come and learn with you! Enjoy these yummy heart candies! 
They are perfect for games!

(Honey actually got her magical powers in January since we wanted her to be around for a fair amount of time and Valentines day is only two weeks into February. So this was actually the first day of the month)

One morning the kids woke up to find Valentina had laid a nest full of eggs! We would watch them closely over the next week to see if they would hatch....

A few days later they hatched!!

The. Kids. Were. Thrilled.

V and Monty held the babies so carefully and lovingly. The baby birds would eventually start flying all over the room and hiding in their own hiding spots, it started to get a little out of control haha.

On Valentines day morning, Honey, Tina and the babies, brought V and Monty such a fun holiday surprise.

Tina even dressed up for the occasion.

Honey left a note for V on valentines day saying she had to go back to the North Pole to meet up with Naughty and Gwen the deer and to help the other elves prepare for the next set of holidays. 

As with Naughty, we could never really tell if V truly thought Honey had magical powers or if she just played along because it was fun for all of us. Either way, we loved doing it for her. Dad and I had such a fun time scheming together on how to make Honey as magical as possible. Since I was transitioning back to my house and only slept at their house half the week, Dad had to fully take on all Honey duties the nights I was gone. I loved that he got so into it with me and made it possible even when I was gone. While we truly had so much fun with both the elves, after two and a half months of having to move them every night, we were a little excited when Honey went home...

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