When most people had arrived for the night they organized a midnight hike to Corona Arch, the trail head was right across the street from our camp! It was really fun! The arch looked so beautiful at night with all the stars behind it, I am still learning how to take pictures at night with my slr so I just documented with my trusty point and shoot, but its just not the same I know, but it still works.
After the hike we were ready to go to bed, so all three of us snuggled up in our cozy two man tent, we are all part of the wearing glasses at night club. We left the top of our tent open so we could see all the gorgeous stars shining in the sky as we fell asleep.
The next morning we awoke with the rising sun, nice and early. We got all packed up and ready for the day then headed down the road to sand hill, which is basically a hill of sand that you can jump and play around in. The sand was soft and fun to sink your feet into.
This was our living room that we set up in between our tent and Nate and Andrew's tent, it was quite a popular place to hang out.

At the top of sand hill, don't be fooled its quite a challenge to get up there. They had races to the bottom, first all the girls and then all the boys. I chose to play leap frog down instead, in my opinion it was a much more fun way to get down.

Andrew thought it would be a cool idea to get the random pieces of cardboard we found and slide down the sand on them, here is the documentation of this idea, it didn't work out so well and earned him the name scoot scoot.
After a while we just sat and watched people do crazy things when they jumped off the rocks, all the boys loved showing off their crazy crazy tricks. There is a video of the excitement at the bottom of this post, I'll admit it I don't understand how to put videos throughout the post, so make sure you check it out.
After being at sand hill for a while we were all so hot and super sandy, so we hiked to the pools of Left Hand and jumped off rocks into the wonderfully cool water. We had so many pictures of us having fun here, but the waterproof camera we used got lost, may it rest in peace but these pics (which came from the wonderful Phatty D) capture how cool this place was.
After we were all tuckered out from playing in the water we headed back to town and got lunch at the Moab Diner, it was delicious and classic, such a great place. Then we went back to camp, played some cards, made some new friends then went back to the Moab diner to get ice cream cones before meeting up with the rest of the group for the Delicate Arch hike.
The whole MMT hiked delicate arch to watch the sunset, as usual the arch was stunning and the sunset was gorgeous. We had a lot of fun taking tons of pics and exploring the areas around the arch. Before leaving we took the group picture of all 300+ of us, it was awesome.
That night I made the best s'more of my life, I enjoyed every bite while sitting on a couch which was a front row seat to the fire, pure perfection, camping done right. Tonight we played some more cards while listening to the singing at the campfire, once again look at the bottom for a video that documents a typical night in tent city.
When we woke up the next morning our little tent city had grown into a raging metropolis! It took over the whole river bank, it looked really cool to see all that many tents. We had to break camp before leaving for our rafting adventure which began at 8:30, so yes we were once again with the sun at 6:30 in the am. I'm going to go right ahead and say rafting was probably the funnest part of our Mohab adventure. (we liked to call Moab Mohab we thought it was hilarious, no one else did for some reason) We just had the best people on our raft, and of course the best river guide ever, Mr. Daniel. We had a lot of fun playing games and pushing and pulling people into the Colorado River. Then Daniel guided us right into Hole One which popped me right out of the raft and while he tried to pull my in by my life jacket I ended up pulling him in with me/ leaving our poor raft guideless in the rapids. After being rocked by the rapids my awesome boat came and saved me. it was a bonding moment.
We took a break for lunch and that is where I realized the Colorado River had stolen my car key from me, not the best discovery of my life. But I figured there wasn't much I could do at the moment so I decided to just enjoy the rest of the rafting down the rifter (another word that only we thought was hilarious)
Our awesome banana boat crew
The bus we got to ride for like and hour to get to the river

We went to the gas station to get some drinks after our wild and crazy rafting adventures. Anthony and I convienced each other to get 44 oz. then everyone wanted to be like us and got them as well. The MMT crew through a end of the trip BBQ at the park in Mohab town, it was a very good time, BBQs are just the best. Then we said our goodbyes and began our next adventure, getting a hotel room and waiting for my parents to drive to Moab with a spare key to my car that I had to leave in the parking lot of a church. Luckily Becky had left her window open so we had access to all of our stuff.

Our awesome river guide Daniel drove us around and helped us get our hotel room and stuff. We got some pizza at Zaxs before heading back to have a party in our hotel room. My awesome parents rolled into Moab around 1:30, they are just the best people in the whole wide world.

Can you tell which one is a river guide ...

The next morning mom and dad wanted to go to a nice breakfast before we headed back home, so we ate at the adorable Electicafe. We ate out back in the beautiful garden which was so pleasant. We sat right next to the Koi pond that had a little waterfall running into it, and the temperature was so nice. I loved it! I got banana pecan pancakes and a nice tall glass of orange juice, it was so good! I love creating memories like that! Then we sadly had to say goodbye to Moab, but I have already planned to go back in the Fall, I just can't stay away for very long!

Oh boy was this a fantastic trip! We need to plan another one soon! This weekend will be a fun stay at home trip though. :)