Saturday, February 12, 2022

Bread Day 2021

Bread day is such a fun tradition! I always look forward to this fun, family filled day. Dad is such sweetheart and makes all the dough for us beforehand. He gets a kick out of having the youngest grandkid punch it down and watching their reaction. Monty was a little hesitant at first, he didn't quite understand what Gaga was asking him to do, but once he figured it out, he was excited about it.

I love seeing the grandkids come up with for their bread dough, they are so creative. James recreated his favorite stuffed animal Monkey Monkey.

Monty was so proud of his turtle

John's friend Simon was spending the first week of Christmas break with the Burtons since he wasn't able to fly home for Christmas. We were happy to have him join in our bread day fun! Simon is also a music major and an amazing composer, so it was so perfect that they decided to make a treble clef.

Purple fluffins is another favorite stuffed animal of Thomas and James.

After all the grandkids had created their greek dough masterpieces. Jenny, Karin, Monty and I got to work on the sweet rolls.

While we were waiting for our bread to bake, mom had set out some fun christmas crafts for us to work on.

Evie, Nora and I worked collectively on creating a gingerbread carousal, I did the decorative piping on all the gingerbread pieces, and they were the geniuses behind it's construction and finishing decorative details. I came back at the end and added the lights.

It turned out so well! it even spun around and everything.

V made me and her matching Christmas crowns.

Monty was very excited to have his very own gingerbread house to decorate.

V also did an amazing job on her gingerbread house.

Karin became a member of our Christmas Crown Club, and I got a new crown style.

It's always so fun to see the bread after it is baked and beautifully browned.

The cousins ended the night with some fun games downstairs. Its so fun to see them all playing together and having so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Bread Day is a fun and fragrant tradition. Every age enjoys it in their own way, but for me it is fun to watch the Littles! I love to do the oranges and cloves because they small so goo. The carousel was a challenge and a masterpiece!I also love seeing you sisters spending time together … that is the best gift!
